Our Ministry consists of four guitarists and an alto sax player. I am Carl
Roldan--leader of the ministry, lead vocalist, guitarist and keyboard player; Joe Polizzi, our background vocalist and bass
guitarist; Tom Mauro, our lead guitarist.
We have been playing for our Lord in the Charismatic Renewal for sixteen-years. For a long time we were
referred to as "The Guys" who played at the Lamb of God Prayer Group. We finally became known as "The Lamb of God Music Ministry".
We welcome new brothers and sisters to the prayer meeting on Wednesday nights to give praise and
worship to our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, songs, scripture, the celebration of the Mass, followed by sharing , healing
prayer, fellowship and refreshments.
We invite you to contact us if you would like Spirit-filled music to enhance your religious celebration.
For more information you can E-mail us at croldan4070@gmail.com